Know Your Civil Service Examination Room Assignments

civil service examination details room assign
Check out your room assignment through the Online Notice of School Assignment by the Civil Service Commission (CSC). All you have to do is fill up the information that matches the data you provided to the Civil Service Commission (CSC), upon applying for the examination.

After encoding your data, you will then be redirected to a printable page with details you need to know about your admission. Some of these pieces of information are:
  • Room Number
  • School Name and Map Location
  • School Address

  1. The examination proper will start at 8:00 AM. It is advisable to be at the examination venue by at least 7:00 AM for the preliminary activities. The gates of the school will be closed at exactly 7:30 AM.
  2. Failure to appear at your scheduled date and time of examination will mean forfeiture of the examination fee and slot.
  3. The time limit for the Professional Level is 3 hours and 10 minutes, while the Sub-Professional Level is 2 hours and 40 minutes.
  4. Impersonation and cheating are punishable by dismissal from the service (If employed in government) o bar from entering government service (if not yet employed) and/or imprisonment.

Important things to bring on examination day:
  1. Valid ID with photo and signature and the same as the identification card you presented at the time of application.
  2. Application Receipt and/or Notice of School Assignment, given to you after you fill out your application.
  3. Black Ballpen/s, Pencil and Eraser.

Best of Luck to all Civil Service Examinees!

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